مملوكة ومصممة ومصممة أسترالية

أمارو إسكيب - تخييم فورستك فورستك الخلاب

أمارو إسكيب - تخييم فورستك فورستك الخلاب

Amaroo Escape is located in the unique and quaint town of Gloucester. It is situated at the gateway to the Barrington Tops, a charming country town nestled under the Bucketts, a range of hills. The “romantic scenery” of the river valley is surrounded by picturesque mountains and Gloucestershire’s undulating countryside.

The name Amaroo in one of the Aboriginal dialects means “beautiful place”. You’ll find a luxury riverfront experience at Amaroo Escape, an open all year long couple retreat that offers 363 days of service. Gloucester, a charming country town in New South Wales, is just 20 minutes away from the site, which covers approximately 450 acres of farmland and bushland. To accommodate up to two people, a king size bed with a private bathroom is available for $780 for two nights.

As part of their services, the hotel offers towel heaters that heat and dry the room in winter, a luxury bathroom equipped with Australian-made products, a sofa, outdoor seating and a Weber BBQ, a custom kitchenette, a hair dryer, irons, iron boards, slippers, and robes. Finally, there is a large communal firepit overlooking the river.

Amaroo offers each guest a welcome pack, a perfect breakfast pack with a bottle of bubbly to share with your partner. It sets the mood for a romantic getaway weekend. From the glass sliding doors on your private deck, you can see the hypnotic Manning River. Since they want guests to enjoy nature, there is no Wi-Fi, TV, or mobile reception, but USB charging ports are available for charging your device. However, if they need WIFI, they can obtain it at the front entrance gate.

You can immerse yourself in the surroundings by waking up to a misty morning and taking in the sights and sounds of nature. While enjoying the wildlife and nature on the property, you can also play cardboard games or read books.


كارل بلانكيت يحمل العديد من الألقاب. مطور أنشأ شركة بناء ناجحة، وهي شركة الإنشاءات البيئية الأسترالية المحدودة في عام 1996. وهو مالك، وتحديداً في منتجع إيكو بيتش في بروم حيث بدأ العمل لأول مرة على النموذج الأولي للخيام البيئية والوحدات البيئية وشرفات المراقبة التي أصبحت الآن المنتجات الأساسية لشركة Eco Structures Australia. ولكن قبل كل شيء، هو مكتشف.